🔮 Akashic Records Message - July 14, 2021 🔮

We all know how important it is to move energy...physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally. It can help us shift, upgrade, transmute, heal. We aren't meant to stay stagnant, stuck in muddy waters. We need to be constantly shifting, moving and re-energizing. Our physical body does this on it's own. Our cells regenerate and we become new versions of ourselves. Why do we stay stagnant and feel stuck. 

The universe is gently nudging us to change, to co-create and to become healed versions of ourselves. We resist it because our Ego gets in the way. It's too scary, too hard, I don't think I can do this or that. We have all said this before. 

The universe, our Soul and our Masters and Guides are here supporting us through any and all decisions we make. We need to clear the way, become still and connect with ourselves so we can hear those messages and know what we need to do. It's not a matter of what, but of when. When is the time to change, create and move my energy? Only we know this. Only we can tune into our higher self and know what's the answer.

It's time to look within, clear space and find those answers. Move energy, create a new reality in the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional plane. Shift the energy and regenerate.