Rune and Akashic Record Channeled Message March 2023

✨ Rune and Akashic Record Message March 2023 ✨

This week I posted my Rune and Akashic Record Message for March 2023. I also talked more in depth about this on the Soul Tribe Podcast Patreon page so make sure to check it out. Here is the message below and make sure to check out my reel on Instagram.

You have been asked to be patient! You have been waiting patiently for the fruits of your labour to show up and yes! Things will start to shift this month for you. Energy is shifting and it’s all bringing so much positive momentum if you just show up.

This month in order to move energy in the right direction focus in sharing ideas, communicating, expressing, connecting with communities, sharing your gifts and using your voice…communicate! It’s time to stop hiding! This is the perfect month to start expressing and sharing ideas, projects and get yourself out there. The world needs to see you and connect with your gifts.

Things will change and shift. If you can use all this momentum/energy and all the hard work you have put in and trust the time is right, the opportunities and shifts will come. You just need to make sure to leave old habits, patterns and things behind. It’s about moving forward and not holding yourself back. There is no space for holding onto the past. It’s time for a new start, a new path, a new way of living. Something new is coming if you let go and allow it in. Flow so you can bring something new in and adapt with ease to what you have been seeking. It’s time!