Healing with Flower Essence Remedies

Flower Essences are a holistic and energetic way to heal. They  are safe and have no side effects, and help us address root causes in order to bring healing and growth on all levels of our being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

Flower Essences help bring us back to our divine essence and realign us to our authentic self.

Flower Essences are considered to be a vibrational and energetic remedies since they are based upon the energy or vibration of a flower. Only the flower is used to make the remedies, the water is imprinted with the properties of the flower. The essences work at an energetic and vibrational level and not at a biochemical level like a medication typically would.

The great part about Flower Essences is that they are safe and may be used by everyone, including children, pregnant women and animals. They can be taken orally, used topically or even in sprays. It depends on what you are using them for.

Positive outcomes from using flower essences may include overcoming obstacles, greater peace and calmness during stressful episodes in your life, reducing negative thoughts and anxiety, help us cope with change and situational things, experiencing more joy and optimism, finding forgiveness towards yourself and others, a deeper connection and understanding in relationships and in yourself, greater clarity and focus, self love and self esteem, and even gaining insight into your life’s purpose and mission!

Depending on the degree of imbalance you are experiencing, some Flower Essences may have an immediate effect, and other times you may feel a slower unfolding of the effects over the course of days, or even weeks. 

There are so many things we can  heal through Flower Essence Remedies. I have personally seen so many changes within myself and my clients that have blown me away time and time again! I will continue to say they are like magic!

Just a few ways that Flower Essences can help you heal: 

🌼 Greater self esteem + self love
🌼 Heal us deal with fear + anxiety + depression
🌼 Heal and work through trauma + emotions + past experiences
🌼 Help with insomnia + overthinking + calming the mind + finding peace
🌼 Helps us through crisis + stressful times
🌼 Forgiveness towards others and self
🌼Finding joy, contentment and overall wellbeing
🌼Clarity with our path and mission/purpose
🌼Connecting with intuition and inner knowing
🌼So many more things!!!!!

Flower Essences can also be a great compliment to any other healing modality you are using, including: therapy, energy healing, astrology readings, energetic and intuitive readings, shadow work, etc. They can help us feel more open and ready to face fears, issues and to create a more aligned energy to work through our shadow.  It can open the avenues of

If you are curious about Flower Essences feel free to reach out va DM or my contact form (link in my bio). 

DONT FORGET!!! During the month of February I am offering FREE Flower Essence Therapy with my 60 minute and 90 minute Akashic Record Readings. You can reach out my contact form to book an Akashic Record Reading and/or a Flower Essence Therapy Session.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

Comment below with any questions you have or feel free to share your personal experience with Flower Essence Remedies. I would love to hear your experiences.

x love and light x