How to prepare for an Akashic Records reading

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This is a post I have been trying to write for quite some time, mainly because I want to write something that helps everyone feel prepared for their Akashic Records reading. There are definitely a few things you need to think about prior to your reading, and that you want to make sure you have ready so you can get everything you need from your hour long session.

These are the main things you need to think about before your Akashic Records reading are:

1) Your questions
You will need to prepare all of your questions ahead of time, days or even weeks in advance. Many people book a reading and already know what they want to ask, they have the questions in their mind. This is a great start, but this may not be the case for everyone. The important part of the questions is that you write them down or type them on your phone or computer. You need to physically take the time and space to write down your questions. By doing this you are setting the intention to your Guides, Masters and Being of Light that you are ready to hear the answers, you are energetically open and want to receive guidance. Ask and you shall receive.

The questions are the most important part of the reading, besides you being open during th reading. The questions are the catalyst to the reading, without them I am unable to channel messages for the other person.

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I personally take an extra few minutes to help the person go through the questions before I connect and start channeling. The way we ask the questions is also very important so we make sure we receive the information we need for our own peace and guidance.

I am working on an Akashic Records questions guide. I will keep you all posted on this. :)

2) No alcohol or illegal drugs 24 hours before the reading
We need to make sure we are clear, connected and present for the Akashic Records reading. When we have alcohol or illegal drugs in our system this means you aren’t present. As well, as a reader I am unable to drink alcohol as well, and I take this very seriously because I want to be as present and 100% committed to the reading for my clients. You need to do the same for yourself and your reading. This will only help the reading flow more smoothly and for all the energy and channeled messages to come through.

With that being said, prescription medicine and pain medication like Advil or Tylenol are ok. The types of substances that I am referring to are ones that change your state - take you out of your conscious life and state. I am only clearing this up as I receive many questions about this.

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3) Quiet space & set the mood
Make sure to have some quiet and personal space for the reading. Plan the reading date and time around when you will be home and you won’t have distractions around you (kids, partner, etc).

It’s important you feel like you have a safe and quiet place where no one will interrupt you and where you can feel your feelings. I always find that when the person I am reading for is relaxed and just focused on the reading they are more likely to receive the answers they need during the session. It’s all energy and we need to flow and fee safe.

Another thing to think about is to set the tone for the reading in your personal space. This may be your bedroom, your office or even your living room. Since all readings are done virtually, it is up to you to set the tone and even meditate before the reading. The reading is a chance for you to connect to yourself and we don’t want to be rushed, stressed or feeling out of sorts. Maybe burn some palo santo, a candle, sage….put some crystals by your side…whatever makes you feel at peace and calm. This all will help to ground you and connect to the Akashic energy during the reading.

4) Recording the reading
Recording the Akashic Records reading is a must! It is so difficult to retain all the information that is given during the reading that when we listen back to the information afterwards we find that maybe we misunderstood things or are able to piece things together.

The fact of the matter is that we are anxious to hear what the channeled messages are that we lose out on information that is being said. Our brain is also trying to process all the information and we get side tracked, distracted or even emotional that we don’t retain the information. This is all normal and expected, and also why recording is a must! You will thank me for it later.

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5) Set aside Expectations
Some people go into a reading feeling a little fearful or anxious thinking that they may hear something bad or hurtful during a reading, and there is nothing more further from the truth.

The messages and information you will receive is from a place of unconditional love and acceptance. The information is there to expand, heal us and to connect us to our life path.

You will never hear something you are not ready to process or go through at that specific time. If we flow and are open to receiving the messages we will leave the reading feeling a sense of peace and calm.

I hope this information helps you with your next (or even first) Akashic Records reading. It’s a magical experience that helps connect to ourselves and our purpose. We can never go wrong in trusting our Guides, Masters and Beings of Light.

x love & light x
