Triggers are an opportunity to stop, reflect and look within ourselves. When managed and dealt with in a healthy and aligned way they allow us to grow, heal and expand.

A trigger can be anything that generates an emotional reaction within our being.

Triggers can be caused by unresolved issues and wounds (childhood and past), insecurity, self doubt, fears, beliefs, etc.

When something triggers us, this is always about what is going on inside of us, and not so much about the external issue or circumstances.

I talk a lot about Soul contracts within the Akashic Records and time and time again I see how our Soul calls in certain people to trigger us (help us) so we can see things within ourselves we need to heal in this incarnation. Triggers are a window into what we need to heal.

Triggers are an external manifestation of something that is already going on or unacknowledged/unaccepted within ourselves. The Ego wants you to think it’s all about the other person or the situation, when I reality you are being triggered in order to stop, reflect and observe with no judgement in order to heal and move forward. When something is healed within it’s no longer a trigger for us.

In order to heal we need to be in an energy of conscious awareness and non-judgment once the trigger is presented. This will allow us to bring these emotions forward to we can reflect and start to understand them from a healing perspective, with self love and awareness. This is how we work through them. Self awareness and reflection might mean you stop and ask yourself some questions (in your head or you journal) so you can gain insight on what is “actually going on.”

Questions to ask yourself when you feel triggered:
💫 Where is this person/situation reflecting within myself?
💫 What don’t I want to see within myself?
💫 Is this trigger mirroring something within myself I have not acknowledged or accepted within or about myself?
💫 What emotion is this trigger bringing up for me and can I connect it to anything in my childhood/upbringing?
💫 What emotions are coming up for me right now? Is there a pattern of feeling this way in my life now or in the past?