What to do before you connect to your Akashic Records

Setting the tone and preparing for opening your Akashic Records is something that can help you feel more connected and to channel with more clarity. Rituals can be BIG part of connecting to your Akashic Records so make sure to take the time to figure out what works for you.

Here are some things to take into consideration before you connect to the Akashic Records:

Time and Space  - Make sure you have a physical space that is quiet, private and has a calm energy. The environment will help set the tone. Make sure to also pick the right time of the day when you aren’t rushed to run to work, tend to chores, to complete your to do list, etc. You need to give yourself time and space to not feel rushed so you aren’t in your head, so you can fully connect. This is the foundation of a successful connection to the Akashic Records.

Meditate and Breathwork - Once you have found the right time and space it’s time to connect to yourself through some calming breathwork and a short meditation. This will help calm your nervous system and help prepare your energy to open up and feel more open and connected. You can even envision your energy opening up to connect to the fifth dimensional energy.

Create Rituals - For some burning candles, palo santo, incense, etc can help set the tone. For others it may be wearing certain clothes, bringing in specific crystals or even just having a process to each time you connect to your Akashic Records. Figure out what works and feels right for you. It may take some time to feel this out and figure out what feels right for you.

Write Down Questions - Have your questions written down or typed up before you connect to the Akashic Records. Be intentional with the questions you want to ask and keep the question close by so when you open your Akashic Records so you can look at them and read them our loud.

Set an Intention -  Place your hands on your heart from this calm and centred energy and set an intention for the Akashic Record Reading. What would you like to get out of connecting with your Akashic Records? It can be something general or something specific. Intention is everything! The intention will help anchor you to receive whatever you are seeking when opening the Akashic Records.

Connect to the Opening Verse or Prayer - Now it’s time to connect! Make sure to fully connect to the opening verse. Feel every word, connect with the meaning and what you are feeling when reciting the opening verse or prayer. Don’t just read the words out loud or in your head. Feel it and envision your Akashic Records opening with each word.

Try out these tips and steps and let me know if you have anything you do that helps you specifically. Comment below.

Good luck with your Akashic Record Reading and connection!