Channeled Akashic Message of the Week

Akashic Message of the Week | Lorena Espiga.png

What is it to be enlightened? How do we need to feel, look or act? What is this idea we have around the concept of enlightenment?

To reach full enlightenment or awakening we must be grounded, with 2 feet firmly on the ground to what is the 3rd dimension, but also know and believe there is more in the world. This is how the journey begins. Some of us may feel this already, and some are maybe starting to opening up to this reality. Wherever your journey is you are never alone. You are always accompanied by the higher dimension, regardless of what you believe (or don’t believe).

When we reach the moment of wanting to connect to the higher dimensions we may look for tools, such as the Akashic Records or Reiki, or maybe even Tarot or the whatever is calling to you. But the Masters, Guides and Beings of Light would like you to know that we all have the power to connect with the 5th dimension, it starts with planting a seed, believing. The moment we feel the reality of higher dimensions and energy is the moment we can start to elevate our energy and the energy around us.

There is a reason many of us are feeling called to connect to higher realms and energy. Humans and the planet need this in order to heal. We are unable to sustain this low vibrational pull and we are all working in conjunction to help raise the energy. It may seem like we are all in our own little world, doing our thing, but this is no so. We are all connected and each one of us is helping someone else, no matter how small or big.

This is all about team work. The next time you are doubting yourself, remind yourself how important it is for you to act and do what is available to you. Everyone needs this. We are all connected and without each other the link is broken and the mass healing that needs to occur will be delayed. The time is now, put your heart and soul into that practice, the connection and we will transform together. This is enlightenment ✨

x love and light x