Akashic record

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

What is that specific thing that keeps repeating in your life reflecting back to you? As spiritual beings we need to realise that anything that is triggering us (bothering us) about someone or something outside of us is there to open our eyes to something within us. Especially during this time of coronavirus where many people are finding themselves feeling triggered this message from the Masters, Guides and Beings of Light is here to give you some peace.

Channeled Akashic Message of the Week

Channeled Akashic Message of the Week

What is it to be enlightened? How do we need to feel, look or act? What is this idea we have around the concept of enlightenment?

Healing Through the Akashic Records

Healing Through the Akashic Records

I am so passionate about healing through the Akashic Records and this is something many people ask me about when they are coming to me to get an Akashic Records reading with me. I want to come out and say it now:

You can truly heal through the Akashic Records and align to your higher-self through the Akashic Records.

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

This card seems so fitting, especially wince we all came together to do a mass energy healing for The Soul Tribe Podcast members. It is all about coming together and joining forces through energy. A lot of the messaging I receive through the Akashi Masters and Guides during the Reiki healing was that everyone that received the healing today was to use this healing on others. It was a confirmation that when we heal, others around us can heal…many times we can help them heal.

Akashic Message and Oracle Card - Week of March 30, 2020

Akashic Message and Oracle Card - Week of March 30, 2020

Regeneration. The key to moving forward now. We must all pay attention to how we have been feeling about ourselves and more importantly our lives. How have we been living? How was our day to day? We have been catapulted into a situation of facing our fears, shadows and solitude.

Akashic Message and Oracle Card - Week of March 23, 2020

Akashic Message and Oracle Card - Week of March 23, 2020

Happy Monday team! I hope you are all staying safe during this time. I know we are all going through a lot, but know this is all here to show us something (many things in fact) that we need to deal with or let go of.

I will be keeping up with my weekly Akashic Messages and Oracle card pulls, especially now with everything that's going on. I hope these help you all! Sending you love!

What is going on right now...

What is going on right now...

What a crazy rollercoaster of a week it has been so far! I think it’s safe to say that we are all (or almost all of us) on the same boat, in our own way.

I have been a little quiet since I am trying to really process all this fear, frustration and uncertainty. We are all collectively feeling this in different ways and we need to sort through and figure out what this virus is bringing up in our lives. I truly believe it is here to how us our shadow and to re-align us in a different way. This is all happening for us to change.