
🔮 Akashic Oracle Message April 2021 🔮

🔮 Akashic Oracle Message April 2021 🔮

This card I pulled is linked to many of the messages on episode 88 of The Soul Tribe Podcast. What needs to be at the forefront of our intentions and actions is bringing the truth forward for ourselves and others. Bringing our truth, our story and what needs to be spoken forward. Not from a place of Ego, Fear or structure but from a place of love, peace and understanding.

⚡ Akashic Records Message - Week of July 20, 2020 ⚡

⚡ Akashic Records Message - Week of July 20, 2020 ⚡

We are all warriors, we are here to fight for what feels right in our hearts. We are not here to judge, be judged or to fight the same fights…these are individual paths we are walking within the collective consciousness.

Being Spiritual Doesn't Mean You Are Perfect!

Being Spiritual Doesn't Mean You Are Perfect!

What does being spiritual really mean?

There are so many ideas of what being spiritual really means and looks like. Some people have preconcieved notions of what being spiritual is - what you should look like, act like and even the things you “must” take part in.

Akashic Records Message May 13, 2020

Akashic Records Message May 13, 2020

Why are we here during this time of Coronavirus?

We aren’t here just for the heck of it, we are here to grow, learn and flourish through this hard “patch.” Without this time of growth, review and change we cannot make he changes we need. Some of this change will come organically and some will come with a lot of hardship and struggle. What we all need to know is that this is part of our “patch.” The more we resist, the more we don’t flow with the ever changing times and moments, the more we are held back from where we really need to go and our higher purpose. We need to advance and push past the fear and low energy.

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

Akashic Message and Oracle Card of the Week

This card seems so fitting, especially wince we all came together to do a mass energy healing for The Soul Tribe Podcast members. It is all about coming together and joining forces through energy. A lot of the messaging I receive through the Akashi Masters and Guides during the Reiki healing was that everyone that received the healing today was to use this healing on others. It was a confirmation that when we heal, others around us can heal…many times we can help them heal.

What is going on right now...

What is going on right now...

What a crazy rollercoaster of a week it has been so far! I think it’s safe to say that we are all (or almost all of us) on the same boat, in our own way.

I have been a little quiet since I am trying to really process all this fear, frustration and uncertainty. We are all collectively feeling this in different ways and we need to sort through and figure out what this virus is bringing up in our lives. I truly believe it is here to how us our shadow and to re-align us in a different way. This is all happening for us to change.

✨ Akashic Records Reading Sale Extension ✨

✨ Akashic Records Reading Sale Extension ✨

Hello beautiful people! I have some exciting news! I have decided to continue the Akashic Records Reading Sale until the end of March.

I received some messages from my Guides and Masters to continue with the sale because people need this more than ever right now.

✨ Oracle card of the week and channeled Akashic Record messages - March 2nd, 2020✨

✨ Oracle card of the week and channeled Akashic Record messages - March 2nd, 2020✨

This card is asking you to find the intention, the why. What is driving you to do any and everything you do in your life and for yourself.

It is a moment of regaining your power through the intention you have created or will create in your life.

What aspect of your life is the question and energy going towards? Is this about your career, life, relationship, love, healing…? Pay close attention where the energy is going. It has something to say to you.

Weekend Vlog #1 - Akashic Records, Beach Time, The Soul Tribe Podcast | Lorena Espiga Wellness

Weekend Vlog #1 - Akashic Records, Beach Time, The Soul Tribe Podcast | Lorena Espiga Wellness

Hey! I want to share my 1st every YouTube video on my channel. I am so excited to start posting on my channel and sharing a variety of content for you all on this platform. Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think and what topics you would all like me to touch on.

And the winner is...

Lorena Espiga Akashic Records Giveaway Winner.png

Hi lovely people! It’s Friday (Woohoo!) and the Akashic Records giveaway winners have been chosen!

Please check out the post here for more info! :)

I want to thank everyone for participating and I will do another giveaway very soon.

Have a great weekend!

Love you all!

x Love & light x