Being Spiritual Doesn't Mean You Are Perfect!

Being Spiritual Doesn't Mean You Are Perfect | Lorena Espiga Wellness.png

What does being spiritual really mean?

There are so many ideas of what being spiritual really means and looks like. Some people have preconceived notions of what being spiritual is - what you should look like, act like and even the things you “must” take part in.

I am here to share my ideas of what spirituality is from what I have learned through being an Akashic Records reader. Some of you maybe feel like you aren’t good enough or things aren’t “perfect” enough to be living a spiritual life and I am here to tell you that you are wrong!

No matter where you are in your life right now, I want you to know you are on the right path, just trust yourself and your intuition and follow what is right for you. We are not all here to live the same way, and certainly not to follow in someone else’s footsteps, we need to mark our own path.

As humans it’s so easy to let our Ego get in the way and for it to overtake this trusting, flowing and loving energy within us. This Ego energy is the one that compares you to others, looks at things as if you aren’t good enough and doesn’t trust where you are at or what you are dong…you are never good enough or spiritually awake. When we see “living spiritual” as this ideal and we put it on a pedestal that’s our Ego taking over. Spirituality will look different for everyone and it’s our job to stay in our lane.

If there is something I have learned through the Akashic Records, it’s that being spiritual doesn’t mean you can’t be human. We all have hard times! We will cry, breakdown, lose ourselves, even hurt others during our lifetime…and this is part of the plan. This doesn’t make us less spiritual. In fact, this makes us a spiritual being learning lessons, this is why we are here! This is the most important things to understand. It’s all about the lessons.

Are you learning from your “mistakes” or issues?

If you are then you are already way ahead of the game of life. Our Souls came here, incarnated here with specific Soul Contracts to learn certain lessons. Some of these lessons may be new, others may be receptive and are within the Karmic lessons from other lives. Regardless of which ones there are, this is the main reason each and every one of us is here, to learn lessons so we can grow and expand.

If there is someone telling you otherwise, tell them to get off their high horse - we are all just figuring it out and we are all just ONE. We are not separate and we are not here to do things on our own. We are all bound by Karmic lessons, Soul contracts and maybe even past lives. We may not know this but I can tell you from countless Akashic Record readings I have done is that if you have an “issue” with someone or struggling with something, more than likely you have some kind of lessons to learn from it.

The problem is when we get stuck, when we don’t see past the Ego and we can’t

You are not supposed to be perfect, no one will ever be “perfect.” If we were perfect we wouldn’t need to learn lessons and probably wouldn’t be incarnated on earth. Being Spiritual means being open to making mistakes and learning from them, growing spiritually from them. Seeing beyond the Ego and just being!

We are lucky enough to stand here today, able to learn the lessons we need to learn from others and situations we traverse in this life. It’s beautiful! And by no means is it perfect and we can’t ever expect it to be perfect. Love yourself through everything, all of it - the struggles, the hardships, the pain - and you will come out the other side more spiritually connected to yourself than you had ever imagined.

x love and light x

We are all on our own path, there is no one path and we all

Spiritual is a path, and with any path we can steer off the path, or veer off and get back on, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Intention is everything.

Intention is everything. What is your intention with being more spiritual and

Vibrations are a real thing!