Rune + Akashic Channeled Message (June 13th-19th, 2022)

✨ Rune + Akashic Message for June 13 - 19, 2022 ✨

We have been on this journey seeking transformation, revelations, the light at the end of the tunnel. We have been experiencing a death and a rebirth. It hasn’t been easy, but it has helped us get closer to our own light and potential, and to be able to share that with others within the collective. What we are going through is part of our transformation. We must not detach from the entire process as this is what will bring light.

At the present moment we are in this process of creating, bringing to life this new version of ourselves, this new life….paving a new path. It’s a journey that is asking us to see every side of ourselves - the healed, the wounded and the warrior within. We are a collection of all of it. It’s important that we stay grounded within this process of finding our light.

This journey, with all its twists and turns, ups and downs will allow us to climb to the top of our healing and potential in order to find ourselves. We will reach the finish line, the light at the end of the tunnel. The manifestations, the desires and the connection are all possible, they are on their way.

All in all the runes and the Akashic Records are showing us a very positive message. What we must ask ourselves this week is is we are we willing to look at every part of ourselves and heal…push past the uncomfortable layers and trust it will be ok? This is the ultimate goal…growth through reflection and honesty with ourselves….this is when things can truly transform. And hold trust and faith through the entire process.