Akashic Rune Reading of the week (March 8, 2021)

In order to move forward, we need to go inward and listen to ourselves, our intuition...our needs. Connecting with ourselves from a very connected and personal space. Not seeking answers outside of ourselves, because looking for external responses/answers will only cause us to move in a direction that doesn't feel authentic to us.

We need to be present with ourselves. Connect. Meditate. Breathe. Find Space. It's about finding ourselves right now. This is how we will accomplish what we desire. It's about finding balance in the now, regardless of your circumstances. It's time to feel complete within ourselves. Find the union of our physical body with our higher self so that we can anchor ourselves in this present moment with intention and joy.

You may find balance through many mediums: journaling, meditation, breathwork, walks in nature, self reflection, etc. Whatever it is, it needs to feel authentic to you and sustainable. The best gift we can receive is the gift of time for ourselves to figure out what we need and where we want to go (if this isn't already clear). Clarity will come with time. Don't give up.

Right now you may not be able to take full action with your plans, desires, and dreams due to this disconnection and self-doubt. Many of us are going through a difficult time, feeling stuck and this last rune is showing this emotional aspect. Feeling "stuck" because we are disconnected from our higher self and our purpose. It's time to take care of our energy, connect with ourselves so we can overcome this lack of energy and fear. This last rune also is showing that some of you are in fear, fear of failing and therefore not taking action.

In order to move past this fear, we need to connect to ourselves and trust that the desires we feel are a direct manifestation of our soul path. These desires are there to guide us to our next step. But in order to get there, we need to trust, push away the fear and take action.

Questions to ask yourself when you journal or open your Akashic Records:

✨What is inside of me that I am not wanting to connect with?
✨What am I hiding from or not wanting to see about myself and my situation?
✨Why I am lacking trust in myself and my path and what do I need to learn?
✨What action does my soul need me to take in this life so I can connect with purpose?

x love and light x