What's on my mind...

I have been thinking a lot about life lately...I know, super deep, right? ✨

Some things have happened recently that have really made me think about what REALLY matters in this life. Like actually matter, you know?

What will I leave behind? How will I impact people?

We are all given this life to do something with it...and this will look different for everyone. Some of us will heal, others will teach, love, help, fix...it's a very personal journey and the idea is we connect with it so we feel joy, peace and purpose.

I keep getting this feeling of needing to be even more intentional with my purpose, the Akashic Records and helping people heal. I know I have the opportunity to help so many and that fills my heart...and that's what really matters to me. That's what brings me joy and makes me smile. It's what gives me the drive to show up as the best version of myself.

It took me years to find this path, accept it and feel ready for it. It's a crazy journey we need to go on sometimes. A big part of the journey is trusting and having faith you will get where we need to even though you have no clue what we want or where you are going. Life can change in the blink of an eye. You can be shown the way, guided and supported by messages, people and circumstances.

Don't give up...you will find and connect with your purpose! You will find your way to impact people and the world and make a difference. Whatever that is and looks like for you. I believe in you. ✨