Akashic Record Series - How Do You Connect to the Akashic Records?

Welcome to the Akashic Record Series! The Akashic Record Series is a series of short videos on my Youtube channel that helps answer questions about the Akashic Records.

I get so many questions through social media, courses and emails about the Akashic Records that I wanted to make a series that was very down to earth and straightforward and makes things easy to understand spiritually.

This series is a resource for anyone looking to understand the Akashic Records. Feel free to comment on this video or any video in the series with further questions or aspects you would like me to talk about.

In this video I answer the question: How do you connect to the Akashic Records?

The way that I've learned, the way that I teach it is through an opening verse or an opening prayer. Each Akashic teacher would download or connect with a verse of their own. This verse is what allows you to connect to the Akashic Records and opens you up to the Akashic realm.

The opening verse has a specific vibration and the intention is what allows you to connect to the Akashic Records. You do have to have a good intention to connect to the Akashic Records, because if you don't, chances are you won't be able to connect. The Akashic Records are highly protected and they don't really just let anybody go in and do whatever they want. There are rules and steps we need to follow to make sure that we are really respecting the information and the sacred energy.

The Akashic Records are in the ethereal realm. People that have good intentions, that are to be of service or to help themselves heal will gain access via an opening verse or opening prayer.

The Akashic Records are here to access in order to gain that knowledge, clarity, wisdom and the healing that we need. Especially when we use it as a tool to open our own Akashic Records, I generally feel that for most people, they can get to the bottom of a lot of things that are going on in their lives. It can be a super healing, powerful, insightful and validating tool. The Akashic Records can be an interesting tool to understand ourselves and our path, and it could help us feel more aligned with ourselves. Opening my own Akashic Records is always about feeling more connected to myself, feeling more in the moment, feeling more grounded in some way with who I am, with my Soul.

Some people do a course. Some people read a book and obtain an opening verse that is handed down to them. It depends on what resonates with you, we don't have to follow the same path. What I would recommend from my own personal experience is to learn with somebody, somebody that resonates with your energy, somebody that you feel that would be a good teacher and that has the same values and can guide you. For some of you connecting to the Akashic Records may be really easy, but for some others, it might not. And it's nice to have somebody that can explain things, someone you resonate with, and also resonating and feeling connected to the opening and closing verse.

What I've heard time and time again from teaching and from people that have taken the Soul Tribe Academy course is that before they came to the course they tried to open their records with this a specific verse and it just didn’t resonate with them and they were not sure what was happening, this led them to feeling frustrated. The reality is that it might not be that they can’t connect. It might just be that you are not using the verse and method that most aligns with you. Follow your gut.

There's probably hundreds or if not, probably thousands of opening verses to the Akashic Records. This goes to show that intention and making sure that we're grounded and making sure that we're aligned and that we're calm and that we're using it for good are HUGE factors in our success to accessing the Akashic Records.

I feel that we each have the right to access our Akashic Records, as long as we're going to do good by them. There's a lot of respect that we need to have when we access the Akashic Records, we need to make sure that we're using it for good. And that's a huge thing for me when I teach people to open their own Akashic Records or the Akashic Records of others. Respecting the tool and the information.

I believe that most people that we attract into our courses through the Soul Tribe Academy really want to learn the Akashic Records because it's something that they feel their Soul is called to do and I generally tend to believe and understand through opening people's Akashic Records, that if you do feel called to the Akashic Records it’s probably because you have a Soul contract with the records in this life and maybe in past lives.

My advice would be to trust whatever messages you're getting. Trust, whatever path that you should take with the Akashic Records. And fully have faith and trust that we can all access the Akashic Records, we have a right to this at a Soul level. I'm going to do another video about that and go a little bit deeper. Deeper into who can access the Akashic records. But for now, I'll leave it at that.

If you do have any questions about opening your own Akashic Records or opening somebody else’s Akashic Records please comment below or reach out via my contact form.

I just want to make sure that you all know that I offer Akashic Record readings so feel free to check out my Readings/Services page here.

I hope you enjoy the information and please make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss any new videos. See you soon!

x love and light x