Akashic Record Series - What are the Akashic Records?

Welcome to the Akashic Record Series! The Akashic Record Series is a series of short videos on my Youtube channel that helps answer questions about the Akashic Records.

I get so many questions through social media, courses and emails about the Akashic Records that I wanted to make a series that was very down to earth and straightforward and makes things easy to understand spiritually.

This series is a resource for anyone looking to understand the Akashic Records. Feel free to comment on this video or any video in the series with further questions or aspects you would like me to talk about.

In this video I answer the question: What are the Akashic Records?

Welcome back to the Akashic Record series today we are gonna to talk about and answer: What are the Akashic Records?

It's a big question. I think there's different ways to explain the Akashic Records, but I'm going to go into the more grounded and easy to understand. We can look at the Akashic Records as kind of like a database. Well, a database on the etherial plane, it's in the fifth dimension. So we can't see it or touch it or feel it. We can connect with it through an opening verse or an opening prayer. And through this database, we're able to ask questions in the database and get information about our soul, our soul contracts. Past lives we've had, struggles we are having, karmic lessons, things that we need to experience in this life and things we are really needing clarity on.

So the questions we ask when we are in the Akashic Records are everything and we'll do other videos about that. But it's all about the questions we asked, that's us using our Free Will to receive the information that we need.

The Akashic Records is also referred to as the book of life. It's the book that contains all of the information from our soul, from everything our souls lived in past lives and this incarnation that we're in and anything in the future. It's really just immense, depending on how many lives you've had and what we've experienced, it can hold a lot of information about soul contracts or lessons and we access it through, like I said, an opening verse and the questions that we ask and we're able to receive the information we need for our healing. We'll go into the channeling process a little bit later in some other videos, but really if we can imagine this infinite library in the fifth dimension with rows and rows of books. And each soul has a book , the author of that book is the soul.

Each of us has an Akashic book that we can access or someone can ask access it for us by opening our Akashic Records. And we're able to obtain information, understand ourselves deeper, understand our soul contracts, understand contracts with other souls. This brings so much clarity. It helps us understand ourselves. It helps us understand our path, why we're struggling, why things are repeating. It's an amazing tool. And I used it for so many years just to open my own Akashic Records and I felt it was so, so useful!

So you could look at it as this book or a database, whatever you want to look at it as I don't want to complicate it too much, but it's this idea of a library that contains a lot of books. We access that library and our Akashic book through an opening verse and we're able to extract information. So essentially when we ask a question and we're downloading it or receiving that information is coming from the book, the book contains it all. And we are able to ask and access that information, especially for opening our own. But if we're opening somebody else's, they can give us permission and we can get that information for them.

So I hope that kind of explains it a little bit. I don't want to go too deep into it, but know that it is in the ethereal plane, so we can't see it. We can't touch it. Although some people, when they do connect, they can receive visions. Like for example, sometimes I will see a book. I'll see the book open.

It can help you a little bit kind of just know that you're in that library. So it kind of just gives you that indication that the Akashic Records are open. It's beautiful. It's just this beautiful energy. Like I said, it's in the fifth dimension, so it helps us feel more connected. It helps us feel.more serene.

You know, when I opened my own Akashic records, I always feel more calm. I feel more centered. I feel more grounded. I feel more connected to myself. And the same thing happens when you open somebody else's Akashic Records, generally they'll feel a sense of peace, a sense of connection that they might not feel in their day to day.

So know that the Akashic Records really is just this place, this energy. That if we have a good intention, we're able to connect with it. And we have to sometimes practice, especially at the beginning. And if anybody's watching me, my previous video about my journey with the Akashic Records. It wasn't easy. It was very hard for me to connect and to receive information because I was doubting myself. So we have to work through the ego. We need to work through some of our own personal things in order to connect. And that'll for sure help us in this process with the Akashic Records.

So stay tuned for the next video and if you enjoyed this video, make sure you give it a thumbs up and obviously make sure that you're subscribed to my channel and that you make sure you turn on the notifications so you don't miss any videos coming up in the future. Comment below if there's any doubts. If I didn't answer your questions, if you want more information, you want me to go deeper? I can do it outside of the series if needed.

I hope you enjoy the video! Please make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss any new videos.

x love and light x