podcast episode

66. Bach Flowers & Healing - What they are, how they help you heal your mind, body and spirit + 5 Bach Flower recommendations

Hey Soul Tribe! We are so excited about this episode! We are so passionate about Bach Flowers and their benefits and healing properties that we decided to create a whole episode where we explain what Bach Flowers are, where they came from, how they work and more! We also talk about our personal experience with the flower essences and how we have benefited from them. Make sure you listen until the end where we recommend 5 Bach Flowers that will help with certain things we are all transitioning through in some way or another right now.

65. Lucia’s Solo Episode - Ascension, Akashic Channelled Messages, Finding Your Truth and Health Through Hypnosis

Hey Soul Tribe Fam! This week Lucia is coming to you with a solo episode where she shares with everyone lots of stories and channelled messages about finding your truth, ascension and healing. She also chats about her recent experience with hypnosis which came with some eye-opening realizations from her soul. We hope you enjoy the episode and that the information resonates with you on some level.