the soul tribe podcast

66. Bach Flowers & Healing - What they are, how they help you heal your mind, body and spirit + 5 Bach Flower recommendations

Hey Soul Tribe! We are so excited about this episode! We are so passionate about Bach Flowers and their benefits and healing properties that we decided to create a whole episode where we explain what Bach Flowers are, where they came from, how they work and more! We also talk about our personal experience with the flower essences and how we have benefited from them. Make sure you listen until the end where we recommend 5 Bach Flowers that will help with certain things we are all transitioning through in some way or another right now.

65. Lucia’s Solo Episode - Ascension, Akashic Channelled Messages, Finding Your Truth and Health Through Hypnosis

Hey Soul Tribe Fam! This week Lucia is coming to you with a solo episode where she shares with everyone lots of stories and channelled messages about finding your truth, ascension and healing. She also chats about her recent experience with hypnosis which came with some eye-opening realizations from her soul. We hope you enjoy the episode and that the information resonates with you on some level.

43. Interview with Anne Bayford - Psychic mediumship, hypnotherapy, NDE, Covid-19 predictions and more!

In this episode we chat with Anne Bayford who is a psychic medium, spiritual coach, hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner among other things. She shares her near death experience stories (NDE) that led her to follow her soul calling of psychic mediumship (and her other amazing talents). We chat about following your most soul aligned path and how this looks different for everyone. She even gives her feedback on COVID19 and what she sees energetically for the future. She also shares some great tips and advice on how we all can navigate this time in a more peaceful and aligned way.

39. Healing through the Akashic Records

Hi Soul Tribe! We have wanted to do this episode for some time now and with everything that’s going on we couldn’t think of a better topic to talk about than healing through the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are such an amazing healing tool that not many people fully comprehend. As readers, but also both of us having received so many readings ourselves we wanted to explain the different ways that the Akashic Records help heal you. We talk about our own experiences, also get into how you heal through an Akashic Records reading session. We hope you enjoy this episode!

38. Interview with Erin Eber - healing through cacao, sound healing/toning and more!

We had the amazing pleasure of interviewing Erin Eber and chatting about the most interesting topics and getting to know her and her work. We talk about her journey and her soul death that brought her to where she is now. She gets into detail about her singing, toning and sound healing. She was kind enough to provide a specific toning for the Soul Tribe Podcast listeners. We hope you enjoy this amazing healing session. We hope you all have a great week and stay safe!

36. Interview with Paul & Paul of The Conscious Health School Amsterdam - Finding health and balance through Access Bars, Access Consciousness, The Healy, and more!

In this episode The Soul Tribe Podcast has the pleasure of interviewing Paul and Paul of The Conscious Health School Amsterdam. These 2 amazing men are into so many healing methods, and embody everything that living healthy is all about. It was so interesting to hear each of their journeys of how they got on this path of healing and helping others, as well as empowering others to take healing into their own hands through Access Bars, Hypnosis, Access Consciousness, Family Constellations, Energetic Body Process, The Healy and more!

35. What is the coronavirus here to show us, teach us and awaken us to?

Lorena and Lucia both felt very called to get this episode out to you all since we are all feeling affected in some way or another by the corona virus. This is a very stressful, scary and uncertain time where our Egos are at an all time high. During this episode Lorena and Lucia connect to the Akashic Records of The Soul Tribe Podcast and get some answers for you all on this issue. This episode is about what the coronavirus here to show us, teach us and awaken us to.

34. Interview with Roberta Grimes - death, where we go after we die, near death experiences, messages from loved one and more!

The Soul Tribe Podcast had the opportunity to interview Roberta Grimes and we had such a blast. She is such a breath of fresh air and really brings an amazing eye-opening perspective to what dying really means. Her insight will really give you a new way to see how we live and navigate through the world and how death isn’t such a bad thing.

33. Free Will & Karmic Lessons

In this episode we get into free will and how this has an impact on our lives, our path and even the karmic lessons and people around us. We get into our own personal stories around free will and how we navigated the hardships and came out the other side.